Sunday, 11 September 2011

Seven Links

I was recently tagged by my friend The Little Loaf to do Seven Links. As I'm in the process of moving house and going on holiday, this seemed like a good time for a quick round-up type post (especially as I haven't done one since the Best of 2010). It's nice to think back over old posts and see how things have changed.

My most beautiful post: Has to be The Beautiful and Damned Cake, below. That post definitely holds a special place in my heart.

My most popular post: Going just on numbers, Honeybee Chocolate Cake.

My most controversial post: The authenticity of my Sinful Chocolate Simnel Cake was debated in the comments and by email. (I was more worried about the description of 'Sinful', but couldn't resist the alternate alliteration... oh dear).

My most helpful post: Judging by the emails I've received, I reckon Raymond Blanc's Lemon Cake.

My most surprisingly successful post: Malteser Cake. For the competition it won (see top) and the number of people who have made it around the world - I still can't believe it.

My most underrated post: Coffee and Walnut Cake. From way back in 2009. One of my favourite recipes ever.

The post I'm most proud of: a very difficult question. I'm proud of this post about macarons because I find it hard to admit and show you my failures. But In the end I've chosen my recent Vanilla Marshmallows post, as below. Some other favourites line my sidebar (cheating, I know).

I tag Cooking for Seven, Espresso and Cream, Citrus and Candy, Yummy Supper and Culinaria Libris.

(Also, very sorry to anyone who saw this a week or so ago when I accidentally sent this out on RSS, bit of a ditzy moment.)


  1. What a gorgeous set of recipes. I love coffee and walnut cake and yours looks like a seriously good version; I love how the 7 links challenge gives you the opportunity to give old recipes a new lease of life. That malteser cake looks scrummy too - very jealous of your beautiful prize!

  2. I love this 7 links meme. I want to do it, but am too indecisive :-)

  3. A gorgeous round up of some great recipes there!! My favourite is the Honeybee cake. SO cute!!!!

  4. your Malteser cake is gorgeous- i showed it to my friends at work- they adored it. but my fave is your profiterole 'gift' cake. x shayma

  5. Emma, this really is such a fun idea. Thanks for tapping me. I need to get on it:) And I want to try your coffee and walnut cake. I am all for the underdog!
    I hope your move goes well and you settle happily into a new kitchen:)

  6. I love the beautiful and the damned cake, it deserves the top spot definitely! :)

  7. They all sound delicious and your beautiful and damned is amazing. I just can't believe how many chocolate cakes I have still to make ;-)

  8. I love these round-up posts, and I'm new to your blog so it's a nice way to get acquainted. I'm heading straight for the coffee and walnut cake, we need to boost those numbers!


If you would like to leave a comment or question, please do - I appreciate every one and will reply as soon as possible.
